I wonder how many people actually have the time to read blogs when there are several best sellers available.
Anyways this blog is for myself and anybody to just wants to feel good about the goodness of life or whatever it may be.
Do visit Ro's blog too.
Her blogs are small yet makes you think.
There was one where she had posted a question about life.
I felt good she had a good question and fortunately i felt i had a good answer.
This is how it goes.....
Sometimes I feel I am loosing myself in the game of Life. People say never give up, fight for your Life. This world is only for the Survivors who are Fittest. Don't know if I am one amongst the Survivors ? If not where do I go, is there a different world for the "Not so Fittest" ?
Questions like Who am I ?, Where am I from ? Where am I to go? are still unanswered. Even if I am fittest in this world , what am I to achieve? and for what ? what Next?
Questions ? Questions ? and more Questions ?
No answer :(
Is there anyone to answer me?
Well this was my reply.....
Your questions remind me of Ramana maharishi.
And he says if you are really concerned about this question you wouldn't be sitting there and asking this. You would really be searching.
It’s like this. Say you've lost your bike keys. Will you be sitting on a sofa and saying where could the key be? You would actually be running around the house searching for the keys.
But yes we are not like Ramana maharishi we can't go under a cave and do tapas. But for this age and time all we can do is reiterate to our own mind that what ever we go is for the lord and we are merely here to serve him. Even this thought and attitude cannot happen over night it takes years. But it will lead us to the answers.
And Ramana maharishi also says that when all this answers come to you, you'll need them no more. By them you are aware of far greater things.
And you have already answered it in your previous post. "Success & Failures".
It’s not the success that finally gives you happiness it’s the process and the steps towards success that is genuine happiness.
We are all making a mistake in that way. When we are given a task we are not happy and when we work on the task we are not happy and finally when we complete the task also we are not happy. But ironically we feel so happy when a third person like the boss who so long knew nothing about you nor the task tell you that you’ve done a good job we are happy.
We first have to change our attitude towards these small things.We have to learn Zen. When we eat we have to be present there and happy when we eat that meal.
And of course that does not mean we have keep smiling all the time. Happiness is a state of the mind and we have to maintain it.
Like for example, you said a car driver almost hit you and didn’t bother. Yes what he did was wrong and what you did by complaining to the right or concerned person was absolutely correct. And I’m sure you would have felt responsible and happy when you did the right thing.