Wednesday, August 04, 2010

one day left to live series - 9 months and 6 days

It's not fair. Not a nice way to start the 9th month. Three days of terrible seizures. In fact Dr.C did not give him his Prevnar vaccine last Thursday because he was still on antibiotics. Yet he had cluster of seizures on Friday. We contacted the on call neurologist and the result an increased does of Keppra from 4 ml twice a day to 4.5 and the phenobarbital still at 2.5 ml twice.
Moreover we were asked to administer a bulsar 1.5 ml of keprra on Friday as well as Saturday because the seizures where quite frequent. Anyways on Sunday it seemed to slow down.
Whatever be the reason and explanation for all his seizures, it's not fair.


Murali said...

I'm sorry to hear that the lil one is going through it again....

just a thought... why dont you also seek a second opinion from doctors in Chennai ? Child Trust and Isabels and an Institute in Cochin have done some tremendous research on infants related health problems...

Most times a cure is found based on medical documentation done but not yet published... and so remains outside the accessible domain of worldwide medics.

Lemme know if I can be of some help in this regard. My bro, Ramesh also personally knows most docs in Chennai and can be asked for help if necessary....

Geetha Srinivasan said...

Murali, hope you got the documents by now? I took a real long time to send them across. Sorry about that. Hope these will be sufficient for now. We'll be visiting the neurologist in mid September. So we would have further updates then. Thank you!