Friday, June 11, 2010

one day left to live series - 7 months and 13 days

So Miss.Susan came home to evaluate Sripathi's vision. It was a long but fun session. I'm so grateful she could come. We waited for over 2 months to get visual therapy for Sripathi. Well from what i saw and what she explained, it was to find out in what areas Sripathi's vision needs attention.

Basically children with Cortical Visual Impairment or CVI have trouble interpreting what they see. though not necessarily an eye sight issue its caused mainly due to the brain abnormality.
They'll require several types of stimulation and practice or rather therapy to help improve their vision.

Sripathi had trouble looking at objects shown to him, he would not see any toy just shown on his face. But then he responds well to anything that has sound and light. So there is hope, yes he will be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel someday!

Apart from all this going well, Sripathi is constipated. Could be the iron supplement that's working its best. Anyways I'll need to increase his water intake which is the most recommended for constipation.

Miss.Susan will be back next Tuesday for further assessment.
There are several things lined up for next week, my appointment with the gynecologist, Sripathi's appointment with the Hematologist and we'll be flying to Houston for his appointment with the Neurologist.

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