Monday, June 28, 2010

one day left to live series - 8 months

Yes almost 8 months and Sripathi is just about fine these days. A lot has happened over the past 10 days or so since I blogged. Thanks to all for all the kind words for my battered self.

Ok some good stuff, i finally got to go meet Geeta, Mohit and their little one Arjun at their new home. Its a lovely home with a warm swimming pool. Thanks to our dear husbands who let us go swimming for almost 45 minutes. I and Geeta were just talking about how life has changed so much. Ever since we came to the US they have been our very close friends. We kind of did so many things together grocery shopping, traveling, movies, lunch and diners. But now its a big deal even to go visit each other. I hope it will change, rather go back to those days again.

But here is the best part, Sripathi has learned to roll, though with much difficulty because his head control is lacking. He is still trying to roll but just pushing his heavy head over his arm and then coordinating his lower body in the same direction. I was just amazed. We can see its difficult but i'm so proud of him that he relentlessly kept trying and finally he has succeeded. Though he has to learn it better or rather to do it the right way, at least he is willing to try, to learn. That's what is more important for a child like him.

Here is a short video. But i hope hope hope that he does not have a severe seizure that will draw out all his energy and leave him struggling back at the start line.

Oh some not bad stuff, Miss.Susan came back last week to discuss Sripathi's assessment. She said he has a lot of scope for improvement with his CVI. But she has insisted that we start Occupational therapy. She says its very important for him. I mentioned this to Miss.Peg the physical therapist. She has also agreed to mention it to early intervention. But we've been told that early intervention would not immediately agree to provide for an OT. But we are hoping they consider Sripathi's case because he is unable to use his hands and until he does there will be minimal progress. As per the assessment, he has scored only 5 out of 60 on his fine motor skills. Though i know whatever is going to happen would happen for the good, i just want to keep hoping my best for get to convince early intervention to accept and look though his case.

There is yet another not so bad news, i had to submit my resignation last Thursday.


lavanya said...

yay yay yay on rolling Geets!I cannot view the video because of some weird issue of my laptop.But That's wonderful and am sure he has long way to go.
So you came to Tampa?I hope not..atleast not without meeting me da.

Anonymous said...

Oh cute!!! Sripathy has grown a lot!! Good Angapradhakshinam!
