Tuesday, June 15, 2010

one day left to live series - 7 months and 17 days

A day of good tidings.
Miss.Susan, the vision therapist came over to further evaluate Sripathi following her first meeting with him. After about half an hour of showing him lights, patterns and over to carrying, holding and rocking him. Then she started explaining to me how we need to talk a lot, a real lot before me approach and touch him. That will be only way he'll learn to rather anticipate what's to happen and not get startled. But overall she said that Sripathi has a very good start. There is scope for improvement with steady therapy and practice. I was so pleased to hear such affirmative statements. Next session will be on Tuesday, when we'll be setting goals for Sripathi for the following months.

Later in the afternoon, we visited the hematologist. They did Sripathi's blood work. Then nurse Mike went over the blood results with us. We were happy and excited to know that Sripathi's hemoglobin levels have steadily increased from 6.8 to 8.3. Though low the nurse said that a progress is sufficient as it shows that he is able to absorb the Ferrous sulfate supplements. He did not have the Reticocytes count in hand and asked me to call back later during the week to get the details. Dr.H then walked in and said he was satisfied with the results and would want us to continue giving him the supplements for 6 weeks and then he would want to meet Sripathi.

So we are glad to pack our bags and fly to Houston tomorrow. I'm so excited to meet our dear friends, I should say my extended family. Hope to see that Sripathi's EEG is normal and hope he is getting the best out of his seizure medications. Fingers crossed!

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