Friday, October 01, 2010

one day left to live series - 11 months and 3 days

Thank God for a happy baby at last. After over 3 days of constipation and of course followed by cluster of seizures almost 7 in a day! We informed about his condition to the pediatrician and neurologist.
They discussed with each other and the pediatrician later discussed Sripathi's case with a gastroenterologist. Then they prescribed Lactulose 5 ml twice a day. Then after a day Sripathi finally had a bowel movement. Now he is on 7.5 ml twice a day.
But since his seizure was not a welcome sign the neurologist suggested to hold on the wean off process on the phenobarbital. And on top of it the keppra was increased to 5 ml twice a day.
I'm grateful to the pediatrician who takes so much care every time she examines Sripathi or prescribes medication or administers vaccinations.

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