Friday, October 08, 2010

one day left to live series - 11 months and 11 days

Consistency is not Sripathi's game. A visit to the gastroenterologist resulted in increased of lactulose from 7.5 ml to 10 ml twice a day. Added to it Dr.B strongly recommended giving Sripathi an overload of fluids. So we came back to try anything and everything to help Sripathi poop.

Some of the things we tried abundant fluids like apple juice, orange juice, prune juice, pear juice. Apart from fluids some of grandma’s therapies like juice of dry grapes soaked the previous day, boiled and cooled water of caraway seeds, boiled mashed corn, some tea.

Somehow finally he did start pooping regularly for the past 3 days. But sadly we are unable to determine what helps him and he is still on medication as well. Basically he is just not consistent with one method of relief so we just have to keep doing every method we know on a frequent interval.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Geetha, my daughter Suwetha also had the same problem of constipation when she was a baby. We used to give her fresh orange juice, same traditional soaked grape juice and prune juice everyday, yes literally everyday. Your golu looks simple and nice, and I love the thavazhara Krishna, I am not talking about the golu now, the real one :)