Monday, May 10, 2010

one day left to live series - 6 months and 11 days

The pediatrician visit is not until tomorrow. Actually Sripathi will be getting his vaccination shot. He's been having seizures since he was 2 months old. So the neurologist had initially suggested that we stop vaccinations as that could trigger further seizures. Now that he is on medication we have been advised to restart his vaccination low and slow, like one vaccination per week and to proceed with the next shot only if he was alright.
So i just gave him 1.2 ml of Tylenol after confirming the same with a best friend/best doctor Lekshmi ji. The tylenol is to make sure he does not get a fever, as fever can trigger seizures.

Even after having the tylenol he had a hard time going to sleep. He did take short naps in the morning and afternoon, but i felt that was not enough. Moreover i had to rock him all along.
I'm trying to find some kind of sleep therapy, but nobody i know really knows anything about a sleep therapy.

Anyway today we went to costco to get Sripathi's passport size photographs taken.
BTW he already has his passport, since we are basically from India, we now need to apply for an Indian visa for Sripathi.

"Take nothing for granted in a second it can all be gone"

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